Pilots often assume that all air traffic controllers have weather radar, but that’s not the case. In this Ask ATC segment, air traffic controllers Beverly Cook, Mel Davis, and AnnMarie Taggio share tips for how pilots can better communicate their knowledge of the weather ahead to help ATC find a safe solution.
To learn more, check out our Radio Communication and ATC safety spotlight at www.airsafetyinstitute.org/spotlight/radiocommandatc.
The AOPA Air Safety Institute’s Ask ATC video series was made possible by generous donations to the AOPA Foundation by the National Air Traffic Controllers Association (NATCA).
Please visit the AOPA Foundation at www.aopafoundation.org/donate to learn how you can participate in funding future safety programs by the Air Safety Institute.
Watch the entire Ask ATC series at http://bit.ly/AskATCplaylist