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Aviation English Asia Ltd
The region's first language centre dedicated to the aviation sector.
ICAO Aviation English for Commercial Pilots
Professional language courses for pilots
English for Aircraft Engineers
English for Aircraft Maintenance Engineers, Technicians and Mechanics
ICAO Aviation English for Cadet Entry Pilots
Aviation English course suitable for candidates applying for a Cadet Pilot Programme
English for Air Traffic Control Officers
Professional language courses for ATCOs.
English for Airport Service Providers
English for ground handling agents, turnaround co-ordinators, and load controllers.
English for Airport Customer Service Officers
English for customer service officers, operations officers, and front line staff.
Student news:
HKG: See this week's class schedule for Cadet Entry Pilots here. ... Learn more
HKG: See this week's class schedule for Commercial Pilots here. ... Learn more
Read articles, advice and hints and tips about improving your Aviation English. ... Learn more
Congratulations to AEA students who passed an ICAO English test recently.
HKG: See this week's class schedule for Commercial Pilots here. ... Learn more
Resources to improve your listening comprehension. ... Learn more
Resources to improve your listening comprehension. ... Learn more
Quick Tips to help you improve your Aviation English ... Learn more


  • Ask ATC: Bothering ATC

    Some GA pilots believe that ATC are very busy and that they would be bothering them by talking to them.  In this video produced in partnership with NATCA and the FAA, Air traffic control specialist Sarah Patten debunks the notion that talking to flights squawking 1200 is an inconvenience for ATC.

    Listening comprehension - plain English in an aeronautical context

    Watch the video and then check your comprehension by comparing against the transcript hidden below.

  • Ask ATC: Fast Talkers

    Air traffic control specialist Sarah Patten gives practical advice for pilots who are worried ATC will speak too quickly for comprehension.

    Ask ATC is produced in partnership with NATCA and the FAA.

  • Ask ATC: Flight Following

    Should I bother calling for flight following services if ATC is busy?

  • Ask ATC: Flight Following and Airspace

    Flight following and airspace

  • Ask ATC: Flight Following and Airspace


  • Ask ATC: IFR Practice Approaches

    IFR Practice Approaches

  • Ask ATC: Minimum Fuel vs. Fuel Emergency


  • Ask ATC: Precipitation Intensity – how to collaborate with ATC to deviate around weather

    Pilots often assume that all air traffic controllers have weather radar, but that’s not the case. In this Ask ATC segment, air traffic controllers Beverly Cook, Mel Davis, and AnnMarie Taggio share tips for how pilots can better communicate their knowledge of the weather ahead to help ATC find a safe solution.

    To learn more, check out our Radio Communication and ATC safety spotlight at

    The AOPA Air Safety Institute’s Ask ATC video series was made possible by generous donations to the AOPA Foundation by the National Air Traffic Controllers Association (NATCA).

    Please visit the AOPA Foundation at to learn how you can participate in funding future safety programs by the Air Safety Institute.

    Watch the entire Ask ATC series at

  • Ask ATC: Student Pilot - Tell ATC


  • Ask ATC: Thunderstorms


  • Ask ATC: VFR Flight Plans – What air traffic controllers know and don’t know about your flight

    In this Ask ATC segment, air traffic controllers Leanne Martin and Matt Sullivan clarify the differences between VFR flight plans and flight following services to help pilots fly safely to their destination.

    To learn more, check out our Flight Planning and Preflight safety spotlight at

    The AOPA Air Safety Institute’s Ask ATC video series was made possible by generous donations to the AOPA Foundation by the National Air Traffic Controllers Association (NATCA).

    Please visit the AOPA Foundation at to learn how you can participate in funding future safety programs by the Air Safety Institute.

    Watch the entire Ask ATC series at

  • Ask ATC: When to Ask for Flight Following – How to communicate with air traffic control

    In this Ask ATC segment, air traffic controller Leanne Martin talks about the importance of requesting flight following in advance before taxiing in order to help ATC process your request and provide the services you need in a timely manner.

    To learn more, check out our Radio Communication and ATC safety spotlight at

    The AOPA Air Safety Institute’s Ask ATC video series was made possible by generous donations to the AOPA Foundation by the National Air Traffic Controllers Association (NATCA).

    Please visit the AOPA Foundation at to learn how you can participate in funding future safety programs by the Air Safety Institute.

    Watch the entire Ask ATC series at

    Video transcript:
    The best place to communicate with air traffic control your intentions is always on the ground when you’re not moving. That way we can get all of the specific information that we need. Then at that point in time, we as controllers can pass that information on. It does not help controllers for you to tell us information at the last second. When you’re on Ground Control or Clearance Delivery, and you let the controller know what you’d like to do, we write down all that information. That information is passed to the Local Controller. The Local Controller then knows which direction to turn you. From, after you depart, then that information is now passed to the Approach Controller, and the Approach Controller then will know what requested altitude you would like and what direction of flight that you’d like.

  • ATC RADAR MAPS EXPLAINED - What information do they provide?

    Audio source:


  • Compass Errors in Aircraft | Aviation Theory

    When it comes to navigation in aircraft, a reliable compass is crucial. However, compasses are not perfect and can be affected by various errors. In this blog post, we will explore the different types of compass errors that occur in aircraft and how they can impact navigation.

    1. Magnetic Deviation

    One common compass error is magnetic deviation. This error is caused by the presence of magnetic fields within the aircraft, such as those generated by electrical systems or ferrous materials. These magnetic fields can interfere with the compass needle, causing it to deviate from the true magnetic north.

    2. Magnetic Variation

    Another important compass error to consider is magnetic variation. Magnetic variation refers to the angular difference between true north and magnetic north at a specific location. This error occurs due to the Earth's magnetic field not aligning perfectly with the geographic North Pole.

    3. Oscillation

    Oscillation is a type of compass error that causes the compass needle to swing back and forth rapidly, making it difficult to get an accurate reading. This error can be caused by turbulence or vibrations within the aircraft.

    4. Dip Errors

    Dip errors occur when the aircraft is flying at different altitudes. As the altitude changes, the Earth's magnetic field can have varying effects on the compass needle. For example, when flying at higher altitudes, the compass needle may tilt downwards, leading to incorrect readings.

    5. Acceleration and Deceleration Errors

    During acceleration or deceleration, compass errors can occur due to the inertia of the compass card. When the aircraft undergoes changes in speed, the compass card may not immediately adjust, resulting in temporary errors in the displayed heading.

    6. Northerly Turning Error

    The northerly turning error is a compass error that affects the accuracy of the compass when making turns in certain directions. When turning towards the north or south, the compass tends to indicate a shallower bank angle than the actual bank angle of the aircraft.

    7. Magnetic Dip

    Magnetic dip is an error caused by the inclination of the Earth's magnetic field. As the aircraft moves closer to the Earth's magnetic poles, the compass needle becomes more susceptible to dip errors. These errors can result in inaccurate readings, especially when flying near the magnetic poles.

    8. Precession

    Precession is a gradual drift of the compass needle over time. This error occurs due to various factors, such as friction and changes in temperature. It is important for pilots to regularly check and recalibrate their compasses to compensate for precession.

    Conclusion: Navigating Compass Errors

    Understanding the different types of compass errors that occur in aircraft is essential for pilots. By being aware of these errors and their potential impacts on navigation, pilots can take appropriate measures to compensate for them. Regular compass checks, proper calibration, and staying updated with magnetic variation charts are crucial for accurate navigation.

  • Listening Comprehension - China Eastern transmitting blind

    This incident involves China Eastern unknowingly transmitting blind, (possibly by accidentally keying the mic) and being unable to receive transmissions from TWR.  

    Notice how China Eastern was able to transmit but not receive. In the circumstances above how could TWR identify that the aircraft had a problem and was unable to respond? 

  • Radiotelephony - stating inability

    What would you do if you are given an instruction by a controller that you are not able to comply with?  Watch the video and listen to the advice.

  • Say It Right - Paperwork?

    Video from ASI's online course, Say It Right

  • Say It Right: First Things First

    From ASI's online course, Say It Right

  • Say It Right: Improving the Flow

    From ASI's online course, Say It Right

Hong Kong

Aviation English Asia has been offering part time and full time courses in Hong Kong since 2009.

All courses are available in Hong Kong. Check the schedule above for details.


Aviation English Asia has been offering part time courses in Vietnam since 2014.

All courses are available in Vietnam - typically every 8 weeks, or by special arrangement.


ICAO Aviation English, English for Aircraft Maintenance Engineers, Technicians and Mechanics, and English for Flight Attendants are available in Taipei, Tainan and Kaosiung.


Aviation English Asia has been offering part time and full time courses in Cambodia since July 2018

All courses are available in Phnom Penh and Siem Reap. Check the schedule for details.


Member of the Aviation English Organisation


matf English courses for pilots, ATCs, engineers and cabin crew -


Workplace English Campaign