"Sometimes I won't catch the numbers in a frequency change, the name of a fix or off-route waypoints because they might be pronounced differently"
United States Airline Transport Pilot International Flight Language Experiences - Report 2
There are many factors which affect effective communication. The quote above highlights that transmission of numbers and unfamiliar waypoints are sometimes a problem for Native English Speakers. To remedy this, numbers should be transmitted with appropriate tempo not exceeding 100 words per minute, and all parties should build an awareness of different pronunciations. These are our tips for transmission of numbers.
When it is known that elements of the message will be written down by the recipient, speak at a slightly slower rate.
Press the transmit switch fully before speaking and do not release it until the message is complete. This will ensure that the entire message is transmitted.
Use a normal conversation tone, speaking clearly and distinctly.
A slight pause before and after numbers will assist in making them easier to understand.
Aviation English Asia Ltd courses incorporate activities to reinforce checks against miscommunication, directly built into the Learning Method.
For more quick tips please visit: http://aviationenglish.com/learning-zone/quick-tips/