A high standard of English is a matter of professionalism in airline pilots, yet many candidates applying for an airline's cadet programme neglect English until they fail a test. The question is, why do so many candidates leave it until the last minute.
Learning English for aviation is not about pass or fail in a test
English is just a language, like Cantonese, Portuguese and Spanish. We all have strengths and weaknesses and it's acceptable to have a weakness in using English. One of the difficulties is that an ICAO test just gives you scores from 1-6 in various categories. It doesn't tell a candidate much about what they can and can't do. That's one of the reasons why the Aviation English Organisation developed the AEROSTA Framework as an enhanced proficiency testing system for the aviation community.
When a learner disregards their scores, and instead focuses on skills they realise they need to develop, they are in turn developing themselves as professionals.
For more quick tips please visit: http://aviationenglish.com/learning-zone/quick-tips/