Need some quick tips to help you improve your Aviation English? In this section of the website we have combined some quick tips to help you achieve success in an ICAO English test.
A high standard of English is a matter of professionalism in airline pilots, yet many candidates applying for an airline's cadet programme neglect English until they fail a test. The question is, why do so many candidates leave it until the last minute.
English is just a language, like Cantonese, Portuguese and Spanish. We all have strengths and weaknesses and it's acceptable to have a weakness in using English. One of the difficulties is that an ICAO test just gives you scores from 1-6 in various categories. It doesn't tell a candidate much about what they can and can't do. That's one of the reasons why the Aviation English Organisation developed the AEROSTA Framework as an enhanced proficiency testing system for the aviation community.
When a learner disregards their scores, and instead focuses on skills they realise they need to develop, they are in turn developing themselves as professionals.
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Aviation English Asia classes have a sensible, and realistic class length that is proven to help learners achieve their goal. Our classes are designed to be frequent and often, so you get plenty of practice and your level doesn't drop between classes. Of course, for learners who are at a very high level already this doesn't matter so much, but for most learners in Hong Kong class length is a very important factor.
Realistically, most learners between ICAO level 3 and ICAO level 5 are not going to benefit much after 2 hours. We have found that 90-120 minutes is the optimum time for learning efficiency, especially if you have a day job.
Some of our students who are airline pilots actually attend very intensive courses during daytime, studying up to 6 hours per day. But their needs are different and we frequently change the type of activities so they don't get too tired.
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One of the most frequent problems we see in Hong Kong is that candidates apply for a cadetship too early (before they are really ready) and they don't pass interviews because of their English level. After that they either a) lose interest in aviation completely or b) come back to AEA 11 months later - with only enough time to improve a tiny bit. The other problem we see is "self-study victims" - people who try to save money by self studying for a year - but they focus on the wrong thing, and then come to AEA a few weeks before their interview or ICAO test.
So, INVEST in yourself, INVEST in English with Aviation English Asia and you will find that it improves every aspect of your life - in addition to helping you succeed in gaining a cadetship.
If you are applying for a cadet programme this is the best course to help you achieve that goal.
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Ongoing English training is important for airline pilots because ICAO level 4 isn't a particularly good level of English to be satisfied with. Aviation English Asia Ltd make it easy and affordable for pilots to improve their English because we offer classes 7 days per week. If you are employed by an airline in Hong Kong then you will also be eligible for reimbursement of 80% of your course fees. Call us today for details +852 81799295.
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Aviation English Asia has been offering part time and full time courses in Hong Kong since 2009.
All courses are available in Hong Kong. Check the schedule above for details.
Aviation English Asia has been offering part time courses in Vietnam since 2014.
All courses are available in Vietnam - typically every 8 weeks, or by special arrangement.
ICAO Aviation English, English for Aircraft Maintenance Engineers, Technicians and Mechanics, and English for Flight Attendants are available in Taipei, Tainan and Kaosiung.